Рабочая тетрадь по сольфеджио и теории музыки адресована учащимся ДМШ и ДШИ, а также всем, кто желает постичь основы музыкальной грамоты. В качестве дополнительного учебного пособия, она поможет обучающимся в успешном освоении учебной программы. Преподавателям, рабочая тетрадь будет интересна в плане подготовки к занятиям и сделает содержание уроков доступным и увлекательным. Дизайн издания выполнен в красочной и привлекательной форме и рассчитан…
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A workbook for the Theory of Music is set aside for students of music schools and the others who want to learn more about writing and reading music. This material means extra support for both teachers and students, in planning teaching and successfully overcoming material. A design is attractive and adaptable for ages 5-9. It consists of the elements of music…
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Printed edition of workbook in Slovenian language, Level 2 A workbook for the Theory of Music is set aside for students of music schools and the others who want to learn more about writing and reading music. This material means extra support for both teachers and students, in planning teaching and successfully overcoming material. A design is attractive and adaptable for…
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Vježbenica za solfeggio s teorijim glazbe namjenjena je učenicima glazbenih škola kao i svima koji žele dostići glazbenu pismenost. Ova literatura predstavlja dodatnu pomoć, kako nastavnicima tako i učenicima, u planiranju nastave i uspješnom svladavanju gradiva. Dizajn je atraktivan i prilagođen uzrastu djece od 5-9 godina. Sadrži osnovu glazbene pismenosti i predstavlja temelj daljnjeg glazbenog obrazovanja. Vježbenica sadrži: – 80 stranica,…
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